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Our focus on ecology can best be described as a specific lens applied to everything we do here at Lucy S. Herring. Our mission statement says that Lucy S. Herring is a collaborative community that values diversity and fosters responsibility, individual excellence and environmental stewardship. Our objectives then are to bring ecological ideas and lessons into our work. We have three outdoor classrooms that we utilize on a weekly basis. We have a garden coordinator who works with our teachers to plan lessons that involve our core science standards. Throughout the school teachers collaborate with our community partners FEAST, Roots Foundation, Greenworks, Riverlink to develop short and long term projects that have an ecological focus. Our classes often meet outside for hands on learning in our garden and our outdoor classrooms. Our Ecology Week in the Fall and our STEAM Week in the Spring, provide students an opportunity to work with community members and share their knowledge with each other and the community. Students at Lucy S. Herring explore all subject areas through hands on activities and discover the importance of civic responsibility to make a difference in the community and the world.