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2nd Grade

Second Grade at Lucy Herring

Ms. Greene Ms. Love Ms. Watkins Ms. Perry




We believe that knowledge is socially constructed and multisensorial. We collaborate as a team to provide purposeful, inquiry-based instruction for our students. Specials include art, PE, music, Spanish, and computer lab. Other enrichment activities include garden science, sound school with the Moog foundation, media center, field trips, and we strive to incorporate TAPAS artists to complement our curriculum. Regular education includes Fundations, Reader's Workshop, Writer's Workshop, Interactive Read Aloud, Investigations Math, Science, and Social Studies. At the end of second grade we expect students to be reading at a level O/28 and show complex understanding.  Students work toward these “I can” statements: I can decode multisyllabic words and identify 5 out of 6 syllable types. I can write a paper with cohesive and organized paragraphs using complete sentences. I can add and subtract numbers within 1,000 using effective strategies, tell time, and count money accurately. I can identify and respect communities and cultures, locally and globally. I can do inquiry-based research on weather, sound, matter, and life cycles. I can be respectful, polite, and responsible for myself and others.

2nd Grade
sound 2nd grade